How to prevent fillings in your mouth. Follow the simple steps below

How to prevent fillings in your mouth. Follow the simple steps below

A filling is the most common solution used by dentists to treat teeth damaged by a cavity or cracked, broken, and chipped teeth. Fillings are a proven solution to those problems however the best treatment is to prevent it from happening.

The most effective, cheapest and pain-free treatment for damaged teeth is to prevent the damage from occurring in the first place.

There are a few simple precautions to prevent cracked and broken teeth or teeth worn down by accident.

Teeth grinding, also known as Bruxism has some causes and therefore some different solutions. If your teeth grinding is caused by a sleeping disorder, addressing the sleeping disorder will solve the problem with your teeth, otherwise wearing some form of a mouth guard or bite splint can prevent the grinding from damaging your teeth. If you are grinding your teeth while you are conscious but find it hard to break the habit, here are things that you can avoid and tips to try:
1. Avoid chewing gum as this trains your jaw to clench and be active
2. Avoid food and drink that contains caffeine, i.e., cola, coffee and chocolate
3. Avoid consuming excess levels of alcohol as intoxication can intensify teeth grinding
4. Train your jaw muscles to relax by placing the tip of your tongue between your teeth
5. Place a small note where it is obvious for you to remind yourself not to grind or clinch your teeth

Preventing accidents from happening is an ideal way to avoid your teeth from getting cracked or broken. However, when you engaged in an activity that raises the chances of accidents, it is best to wear protection. For example, if you are playing contact sport wear a well-fitted mouth guard at all times and a full helmet if you are participating in motorsport.

Cavities, which is a common reason for needing a filling, take a little more diligence to prevent. Here is a guideline of how to protect your teeth from getting cavities:
-Brush your teeth twice a day at least, ideally three times a day, using a toothpaste containing fluoride.

-Use mouthwash with fluoride in it once or twice a day

-Visit your dentist regularly for check-ups for oral exams as well as professional cleaning. These services can often detect the early signs of a cavity and prevent them

-Drink at least a small quantity of tap water. Public water supply has added fluoride which helps to prevent tooth decay; bottled water contains no fluoride. Therefore if you are only consuming bottled water, you are missing out on this extra line of defence.

AFTER Invisialign treatment
AFTER Invisalign treatment

-Avoid snacking on food and sipping on drinks regularly. Any food or beverage other than water aids the growth of bacteria acids in your mouth which breaks down your tooth enamel.

-Consume tooth-friendly food and drinks such as fresh fruit and vegetables which encourage saliva production and is good for oral health. Avoid foods which can remain stuck in your teeth or have a high sugar or acid content.