The top 5 benefits of dental implants

The top 5 benefits of dental implants

5 Benefits of Dental Implants vs. Dentures

A better profile

When you lose teeth, it can lead to loss of bone structure, and the remaining teeth can be pushed apart. This can lead to your jawline appearing sunken or saggy. Dental implants preserve and stimulate bone growth, restore the structure to your jawline and assist in keeping you looking beautiful.

You can enjoy food again

Dental implants are a permanent solution and stay put. Unlike dentures, dental implants are a titanium root replacement on which to attach replacement tooth/teeth. You can enjoy all your favourite foods again and be sure you won’t have to deal with the embarrassing situation of your dentures falling out in the middle of dinner.

It’s a permanent solution
Dental Implants Auckland Dentists

No need to worry about losing or damaging your dentures again! Dental implants are a safe replacement for your natural root. Because it is inserted into the jawbone and merges with your natural bone, the dental implant becomes a stable and permanent base to attach a replacement tooth. Dental implants are there to stay; the result is a long lasting tooth solution that you don’t need to worry about.

They act just like real teeth

That means you can forget about them! No need to worry about: shifting, falling, adhesives or taking them out. In fact, you may just forget they are there! It is important however that you treat them with respect, regular cleaning and check-ups to make sure the implants (and the rest of your teeth) are clean and plaque free, can go a long way in ensuring your gum health.

Say no to cavities

Dental implants are more robust and longer lasting than natural teeth because they’re not susceptible to tooth decay… Meaning no cavities! Many consider dental implants better than real teeth. So you are not only getting the best tooth replacement option available, but you are also improving your overall mouth health.

Epsom Dentists is the go-to provider for Dental Implants Auckland. Dr Cham and his dental team, highly trained with years of experience, use Nobel Biocare system. Nobel Biocare is one of the leading providers of restorative and aesthetic dental solutions worldwide.

If you think dental implants may be right for you, call us today! We are happy to talk through any questions or concerns you may have regarding this treatment.
Dental Implants Auckland Dentists